1. How and/or when did you get you hooked on
didn’t get hooked on history until I got to college. At Georgia State, I had a history professor
that taught history using an inquiry design model, and this truly changed the
lens through which I viewed historical events.
2. What role does history play or has it played
in your personal life?
has become one of favorite past times.
During my off time, you can probably find me exploring museums, touring
historic sites, researching at the archives, library, and/or internet,
rummaging through attics and basements, shopping at antique markets, watching
documentaries, movies and/or television shows about historical events, and
listening to stories about the past from the elderly (my favorite).
3. How is/How was history a part of your
professional life/career?
a Social Studies teacher for the last 25 years, I feel blessed to be able to
incorporate my love for history into my professional life and share that same
passion with students. In addition,
being selected to participate in the Teaching American History grants for over
a ten-year period really increased my content knowledge and passion for
teaching history.
4. Why is studying/knowing history important?
and/or knowing history is important because of so many interesting reasons, but
I think the major ones are:
- First and foremost, studying history is fascinating! Learning the trials, bravery, convictions, courage, mistakes, motivations, hope and triumph of the famous and not-so-famous faces in history and how they have shaped what the world is like today is inspiring.
- Studying history helps us to better understand why things are the way they are today. By studying the past, we can observe change and continuity and also explore the rational for why things occurred throughout time.
- Studying history increases our problem solving skills because we are required to use a variety of thinking skills as we inquire, research, and develop our own opinions along the way.
5. What is your favorite period or aspect of
history to learn about and why?
favorite period of history to learn about is the modern Civil Rights
Movement. I think this is because I was
born in 1963 right in the middle of when the nonviolent protesting of this
movement was gaining national attention.
As an adult, I have always been interested in learning more about this
inspirational and conflicted time in history.
6. What does your job as a Teacher on Special
Assignment (TOSA) entail?
job as Teacher on Special Assignment involves providing professional
development and instructional coaching support to secondary social studies
teachers toward the goal of increased student learning.
accomplish this, I am responsible for the following:
- attending workshops to enhance my professional staff development foundational knowledge and skills.
- coordinating and presenting relevant workshops and in-service training to Social Studies teachers.
- making presentations at Henry County Board of Education staff meetings to facilitate our vision for Social Studies.
- modeling and coaching research-based effective instructional strategies in classrooms including student engagement, classroom management, teaching to standards and competencies, integrating writing across the content area, assessment techniques, feedback, and intervention.
- presenting model lessons in classrooms.
- visiting classrooms to provide observational feedback and support to teachers.
- engaging in discussions with teachers to encourage reflection on effectiveness of teaching strategies.
- supporting and participating in the Professional Learning Communities process at secondary schools.
7. What are some high points and low points of
being a social studies TOSA?
points of my job include being able to assist teachers throughout our district
in a variety of ways (sharing teaching lessons and strategies, supplying
materials, and providing support and encouragement), serving as a liaison
between our district and schools,
communicating what’s working and not working within our schools, and
representing Henry County Schools to other districts in our state and
nation. The downside of my job is when
I’m not able to provide materials and/or support to teachers because of
budgeting reasons, time restraints, or nonalignment with the overall vision for
Social Studies in our district.
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